A Crappypasta 3 (?) - I´´llSeeYou.jpg

Moral of this story? Telemarketers are evil.


Hi. As you may or may not know, i like to spend a lot of time on my MacBook. I love playing games, checking my twitter, and face timing with friends. But some of that changed for a while.
One night, i was alone at home. so i though i would watch some youtube videos. But, i got this phone call. The number was quite strange, so i thought it was a telemarketer or something like that. So, off of instinct, i just muted the ringer and thought nothing of it. But, they kept calling. I picked up. The person on the other end had a quiet, muffled voice. He was asking if i wanted tinted windows. I thought it was quite odd that someone would be asking that. I asked why i would want them. He said, with his muffled voice, "Just so no one can look at you through your windows." I told him to stop calling and hung up. Then, unexpectedly, i got an email from the TintedWindowService company. I marked it as spam. I got another email about 25 minutes later. It was a random person saying that i should cover up my window," just in case". I looked up at my bedroom window, nothing was there, so i just went back to looking at youtube videos. Then, i got another email, it was from the same person. It had a file attached to it called JustInCase.mp3. i opened it, with my anti-virus ready, and it had the same, quite, muffled voice of the telemarketer. He said, in a rude tone, that i should cover up my window because someone can see through it, you know, "Just In Case." I looked up at my window. I... I was shocked at what i saw.
I saw a figure, he was about 5'6". He ran off once i saw him. I grabbed my metal baseball bat, just for protection. Then i got an email..... from a different person. It had a file called IToldYouSo.jpg. I double checked my anti-virus to make sure it was on, then i opened it. I couldn't believe what i saw. It was a picture of..... of ME. From my window. That the telemarketer guy was talking about. I was ready to call 911. But then, i got another email. I was almost too chicken to open it. I opened it. It had a file called, I''llSeeYou.jpg. It was oddly misspelled, but that doesn't matter. I opened the file. It pulled up a picture. On the picture, was a picture of me. It looked as if someone took the picture from behind me. He must've been in my house. Then i heard a big bang. I ran into my kitchen to grab a pan, a knife, or whatever i could use to protect me. I ran into my my living room, but then everything went black.
I woke up... in the hospital. The police said that my neighbors called 911 because they heard glass breaking, and they reported it as a breaking and entering. The police also reported it as an attempted murder, and harassment. They found the man. They arrested the man. I moved out. I was scared. That was about a year ago. But.. i just found out yesterday, that... he escaped. he escaped from the county jail and was on the loose. I cant believe this. Make sure to close your windows and lock your doors because he might try to find you next. You have been warned. :)